Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What is "indie"

When Odd Duck first began, it was titled “Odd Duck Handmade Bazaar and Indie Craft Fair”. Although recently shortening it down, we chose that name because it combined all of the things we were trying to express with our show. We wanted people to know that....

  1. we were Odd Duck 
  2. that we were a handmade show 
  3. we were a little bizarre and 'bazaar' is closer to that than 'show' and 
  4. we were an “indie” craft fair
Four very successful annual shows later I'm still being asked the question, What does indie mean?
In short, “indie” means independent. Indie crafters are the ones who go their own way. Indie artisans don't always march to the beat of the same drum (although beating a drum is pretty common among independent spirits). Indie describes how we take tried-and-true techniques and sprinkle in characteristics of the modern world. Indie is turning things upside down and expressing from a different perspective. Indie is making something old and discarded into something new and different. Indie is whatever you want it to be. Indie is playing by your own rules.
Odd Duck Bazaar is a way to fit that independent spirit into the “normal” world. We are all used to the daily transactions of commerce, but you can't go into your big box store and find what you'll find at an indie craft fair. The love, care and conscious design that you'll find in products at Odd Duck cannot be produced in a factory.
As show hosts, we have to fit into the parameters of laws and procedures to pull off the organization aspect of the show but we don't always go down the same path as a regular craft show production. We yarn bomb bicycles for advertising, we hand paint our show signage, we use recycled materials to create gifts for our vendors and giveaways for our customers, we build our own flags, write our own press releases, build our own website. We love to express our indie spirit right along with all of the talented artisans that vend at our show.
Our show only happens once a year and it is THIS weekend! Please join us and see for yourself what indie really is.

Saturday, April 11th & 12th noon - 6pm
Fred Lippman Center, 2030 Polk Street, Hollywood, FL 33020
(two blocks north of Hollywood Blvd and just east of Dixie Highway)
$5 admission, Children under 2 free
Free Swag bags to the fist 50 patrons each day 
Door Prizes and Free Demonstrations all weekend

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