Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Diaper Duty

I love our sponsors, because they represent what the Odd Duck Bazaar is all about: creating community, supporting the little guy, and being green in the process. Diaper Duty is owned and operated by the fabulous Veezie, who is basically the epitome of the DIY spirit. Her dedication to the handmade movement and green living is topped only by her dedication to her kids and yours.

Another great thing about Diaper Duty is that you can be green on a budget without all that diaper washing. Cloth diaper service from Diaper Duty actually costs less than disposable diapers. Check out the pricing link on http://www.diaperdutycds.com/. Save the Earth, save your baby from diaper rash and plastic diapers, save some money, and save Veezie from workin’ for the man.

1 comment:

veezie lu said...