Monday, February 28, 2011


One of my favorite things about the handmade movement is finding new and fascinating handmade stuff, and getting to know the people who make it. The inaugural Odd Duck was already a heart warming day, but meeting Will and his vintage & recycled robots made the show even more special for me.

His creations bring new life to old view finders, vintage tins, and other seemingly random bits and pieces. Even with being new to the indie craft scene, Will is friendly, open, and enjoys spinning yarns about the origins of his creations. It’s so exciting to meet a new (to me) crafter with so much talent, warmth, and love of what they do. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that everyone else loves Will and his robots too!

Check out on, or visit him Will and his creations in person at the Odd Duck Bazaar. I’m hoping he brings the Foible, his four foot long, steam-punk dragon, so be on the lookout for that enormous piece of fabulousness.


Betty said...

That Robot is so adorable. I'll have to look for his booth while I'm set-up at the Odd Duck Fair

WorkingGirl said...

he'll be upstairs again this year, and he's definately worth a peek!

the HCM will be raffling off one of his robots too, and tickets are only $2!