Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Whole Foods Market Plantation

Whole Foods Market Plantation is the named sponsor of the Odd Duck Handmade Bazaar and Indie Craft Fair for the second year running, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Catherine and the staff are wonderfully supportive of the show, wearing buttons, displaying postcards, and hanging an enormous poster right in the front window. But being and Odd Sponsor is just a small part of what Whole Foods does to nourish our community.

This month, Whole Foods Market Plantation will help you find gluten free goodies in the store, or transform a fattening dish to a healthier version, then help you teach your kids the importance of living green (after reading The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.) Check out the event calendar for more information on cooking classes, Kid’s Club events, and local charities that Whole Foods Plantation supports. http://wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/plantation/store-calendar/

Be sure to stop by the store for one of these great events and be sure to check the front window for our giant Odd Duck poster within the next couple of weeks!

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